Here’s How to Enjoy Holiday Treats Without Hurting Your Oral Health

Here’s How to Enjoy Holiday Treats Without Hurting Your Oral Health

The holiday season is here, and with it comes great food and drink you might not see the rest of the year. After all, the average person attends five holiday gatherings each year.

While all of this sounds (and tastes) great, it comes with a problem: All the additional sugar is decidedly not great for your teeth.

Here at American Dental Clinic in San Diego, California, we want you to enjoy all the holiday season offers — including great food. But we want you to do it responsibly. Here’s how to enjoy the holidays without hurting your oral health.

Enjoy yourself but go easy

We know you have many options for sweets during the holiday season, and we want you to try them. Just don’t try them all. If you’re at a party, pick a couple of things to eat instead of trying one of everything. 

Stay away from anything sticky or brittle; these foods are particularly dangerous for your teeth.

Also, limit your snacking to a confined period, such as during a party or lunch in the office. Grazing on sweets all day means you’re constantly introducing sugar into your mouth and giving plaque more chance to build up.

Brush and rinse as much as you can

Keep up your standard oral hygiene routine (brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day), but also consider brushing after eating sweets. That helps remove the sugar from your teeth as quickly as possible to prevent decay.

If you can’t brush more often, try to drink more water. The liquid helps rinse off sugar and lingering food particles that could attract bacteria to your teeth.

Don’t use your teeth as tools

You might not have thought of this one, but take your time opening presents and packaging. Use your hands and scissors instead of your teeth. You may be in a hurry, but the risk of chipping, cracking, or breaking a tooth isn’t worth it. Save your teeth for chewing food.

Try these tasty alternatives

Here are a few treat options that can help satisfy your sweet tooth but won’t do as much harm to your oral health.

Dark chocolate is a great choice. It’s got a deep taste that includes less sugar and more antioxidants than milk chocolate.

Cheese is naturally high in protein and calcium, which helps keep you fuller longer. A festive board with meats and cheeses is a great alternative to cookies and candy.

Hot chocolate tastes wonderful, but it’s full of sugar. As an alternative, consider peppermint tea. It has that holiday mint flavor and can still keep you warm on a cold night.

If you’re due for a cleaning or experience a dental emergency over the holidays, our American Dental Clinic team is here to help. Call our San Diego office today at 858-215-2951 or use online booking to schedule your appointment.

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