Why Do Teeth Lose Their Whiteness as You Age?

Why Do Teeth Lose Their Whiteness as You Age?

As the years go by, you may notice your teeth aren’t as white and sparkling as they used to be.

That may not seem fair, given that you’ve faithfully brushed, flossed, and scheduled regular dental cleanings over the years. Unfortunately, though, experiencing the yellowing and darkening of teeth is just part of the aging process.

Here at American Dental Clinic, we’re experts at restoring teeth to a state of brightness and whiteness. Before we discuss how we can do that, though, a brief explanation about why your teeth lost their whiteness can help you determine the best treatment.


Here’s the primary reason teeth lose their whiteness. Although the enamel that covers your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body, it’s no match for time. 

Over the years, your enamel wears down, becoming thinner and weaker, allowing the underlying layer of dentin, which is yellowish, to show.

The emerging dentin darkens over time, so as the enamel wears down and the dentin increasingly shows through, your teeth take on that dull, yellowish look instead of the whiteness you enjoyed in your younger days.

Food and drink stains

Another cause of stained teeth is a lifetime of consuming food and beverages with dark pigments. We’re talking about substances like tomato sauce, coffee, red wine, and more. Feel free to enjoy these things, but doing so in moderation helps keep your smile whiter.

Also, nicotine-stained teeth from years of tobacco use is just another reason to quit smoking.

Medications and genetics

Some medications, such as antibiotics you take as a child, can contribute to the discoloration of teeth from the inside as you age. Genetics can play a role too; some people have genetic factors that naturally make their teeth appear more gray or yellow than they should. 

Bring back the whiteness

So now that you know why teeth lose their whiteness, what can you do about it? At American Dental Clinic, we offer two kinds of teeth whitening: 

Our tray whitening system involves wearing custom trays with a whitening gel, giving you a smile that’s 4-8 shades whiter after a few days.

Our Zoom! treatment is a chairside procedure that uses a special light to activate the whitening gel, making your teeth 6-10 shades whiter in about an hour.*

If you’re ready to bring back the sparkling white smile you miss so much, our team is here to help. Call our San Diego, California, office at 858-215-2951 or use our online scheduler to book your appointment today.

*Individual results may vary


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